The Holy Grail – The quest for more time

The Holy Grail – The quest for more time

Don’t worry; this isn’t another article featuring 10 ways to improve your time management, although I must admit I am a sucker for any such article. I compulsively click on any articles that deal with efficiency, time management, or GTD hoping like Ponce de Leon, that at the end of each click will be the fountain of youth, or a better, a more efficient way to organize my workday that will save me hours each week. One recent article I read attacked the time management crisis from a purely mathematical angle. There are 168 hours in each week, and by mapping out an average week you will probably find there is a lot more time in a week than you had thought. It seemed like a worthwhile exercise, so I indulged, below are my results:

168 hours
Sleep – 50 Hours
Work – 50 Hours
Exercise – 8 hours
Eating – 14 hours

I left out some of the non-essential activities so I could get a more accurate calculation of how much time I really have available and how I can organize and utilize that time better. All told I have 46 hours unaccounted for, almost two full days in which I have time to read, watch TV, spend time with friends, check out Facebook, and keep up with my non-work responsibilities. My take away from this exercise is that I have more than enough time to do all of the things I want, I just need to be conscious of how I choose to spend those unaccounted hours. How do you spend your 168 hours?