The Blogger Abroad Tips on Creating an SEO Keywords for Your Blog

You’ve been doing the work.  Writing consistent blog posts that you feel will be relevant to your customer base, and sharing it as much as you can.  Is your job done?  Not likely. Many business owners embark on a content marketing plan without completing the crucial first step, creating a keyword list. If your blog posts are not optimized for the keywords that will bring your customers to your site,  you may end up  writing for an audience of one.  The Blogger Abroad, a tech blogger who writes articles helping others to start and maintain their online businesses, recently published an article that we found particularly helpful on how to build a blog keyword list. Despite the plug for various SEO Keyword Research Tools at the end of the article, there were still quite a few good takeaways in the article. Among the best advice:

• Use the topics of your websites as our categories for choosing keywords

• Once you have your categories make sure to search for related keywords and add them to the list

• Use varied or repeated keywords that focus around one topic but break it down into segmented pieces

• Use the list of keywords you create in order to establish your blog niche

For more in-depth advice see the full article


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